We're looking for photos/info of the salvagetug Holland.
She was confiscated by the Germans in 1941 and struck a mine (total verlust) in Koege Bight, south of Copenhagen 29th.of April 1943.
At that time it was the most powerfull tug in the world.
She has been refitted at the Kriegsmarinewerft Wilhelmshaven.
Modifications also took place in Emden and Antwerp.
To complete the history of the vessel, that has never sailed for the Dutch owners we're looking for photos/info of the ship in German service.
(official owners Doeksen's Salvage Company Terschelling The Netherlands)
The German captain was Heinrich Sindt from Wilhelmshaven.
She was especially stationed in the Baltic, by the Germans.
Many thanks and best regards,
Frank Schipper
Heiligeweg 46
8861 EB Harlingen
The Netherlands