Do anyone now more about my sailship ANNA MARIE or CLAUS?

HC Edborg

Do anyone now more about my sailship ANNA MARIE or CLAUS?

Beitrag von HC Edborg »

This picture is probably from the time that she had her homeport in Oldenbüttel, Hamburg, situated at Nord-Ost Kanal owned by the family Pieper. Earlier owner was Herman Diechmann in Iseleresheim, Bremerförde, Hamburg, situated at river Oste. During that time her name was ANNA MARIE and after two year changed to CLAUS.

After some years also in Denmark she was sold 1939 with the name AAGE to Sweden and got the name ELISE which 1947 was changed to SVANEVIK.
You can read more about my question at: ... 344#p19428

and her history at: ... -04-26.doc
HC Edborg

Re: Do anyone now more about my sailship ANNA MARIE or CLAUS?

Beitrag von HC Edborg »

Hi Juergen, and great thanks for your interesting memories.

Yes, it seems correct that Johann had a vessel named ANNEMARIE or maybe what I have heard the full name was ANNEMARIE RENATE. One of the brothers Andersson who owned my ship as SVANEVIK in Västervik, Sweden, during 1947 – 1967 once told me that they had met Johann Pieper when Johann had a stop in Västervik. I can still hear in my ears Anderssons special Smålands-dialect pronouncing it like three words “Anna Marie Renate…”.
Johann had recognized a lot of details in the ship which he could tell was original.

But from my notes the vessel ANNAMARIE RENATE was built 1950, with 282 Gross tonnage and he owned that vessel until 1961 when he bought STADT RENDSBURG, (ex: Stadt Essen). Built 1956, 499 Gross tonnage, DKFL. He sold that vessel 1969. So also your time period seems very correct.

Johann Pieper had if I remember correct two daughters and I believe that the ships name came from them. Maybe you remember them also. But the name ANNA MARIE for my ship came from the owner’s wife and her sister. Many years ago I met Christian and his sister Annemarie when I had the chance to follow a friend in a sport-plane from a fly-club where he was a member and we landed at the airport Rendsburg. It sounds expensive but it was my cheapest travelling I ever done down to Europe! Christian and Annemarie where both very kindly but unfortunately I lost their address later. But your memories gave me the opportunity to use the new fantastic technology Internet to find their addresses again!

Maybe you also can tell me how they moored the vessel when they stopped by at Oldenbüttel – I think there is no harbour at Oldenbüttel. Did they stop directly by the side of the Nord-Ost Kanal – or…?
